3 foods that help manage Parkinson’s

3 foods that help manage Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s is a degenerative neurological disorder that commonly affects the older population. However, there are times when patients present with early onset of the condition. Parkinson’s is associated with a lower amount of dopamine in the brain and damaged nerve cells. Parkinson’s does not have a specific include and exclude plan, however, there are certain foods that are said to be beneficial:


Berries are high on the list of foods that help improve our immunity and develop overall health. They pack a high amount of bioactive components namely anthocyanin – a flavonoid that is known for its antioxidant content. Flavonoids play an important role in protecting the brain against damage and degeneration. Additionally, the high amount of Vitamin C in berries helps keep secondary infections at bay.

Fava Beans

Carbidopa levodopa has been found to be important in the treatment of Parkinson’s patients. This makes fava beans a must-include food item in the list of foods that help prevent Parkinson’s. It can also help steer clear of carbidopa-levodopa side effects that can be encountered by taking supplements for the compound. Research suggests that there is more to fava beans and their ingredients that prove beneficial as a part of the patient’s menu. Although the exact reason has not been found yet, it is certain that this vitamin and mineral-rich food has a solid place in the prevention and management of the condition.

Omega-3 rich foods

Foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids help in developing cognitive power. It is especially helpful for the management of Parkinson’s disease as it helps with the cognitive impairment that results from the condition. It can help with symptoms like confusion, loss of motor control, and dementia. While it might not help completely eradicate the symptoms inclusion of foods like flax seeds, salmon, mackerel, nuts, and others can help decrease their intensity.

Aside from food and lifestyle changes, some treatment options that have been used to help manage Parkinson’s are:


Rytary® is an FDA-aprroved treatment option for Parkinson’s patients. The capsules contain levodopa and carbidopa that work in combination to help combat symptoms. Levodopa acts as a dopamine substitute for the patient and carbidopa helps decrease its side effects. The levodopa carbidopa side effects include low blood pressure, nausea, hallucinations, and more.


Opicapone (ONGENTYS)

Ongentys® is a commonly used treatment option for Parkinson’s that works as a dopamine replacement. It may be used in combination with other treatment options that have passed the levodopa-carbidopa clinical trials. Opicapone improves brain function by increasing the availability of dopamine substitutes.







