Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: July 01 2024

Welcome to EdgeROI Inc. This Privacy Notice is provided by the Company (referred to as "we," "us," "our") to outline our practices in collecting, utilizing, protecting, and sharing your personal information. Our commitment is rooted in building a relationship with our customers based on trust and guided by fair information principles that emphasize respect for the rights and freedoms of our website visitors.

In this Privacy Policy:

  • Who we are: Information about our identity and commitment to privacy principles.
  • Personal information collection and usage: Details on the types of personal information we collect and how we use it.
  • Sharing your personal information: Insights into how and why we share your personal information.
  • Protection of your personal information: Our measures to ensure the security of your personal information.
  • Data retention: Information on how long we retain your personal information.
  • Cookies and other trackers: Explanation of our use of cookies and other tracking technologies.
  • Children's privacy: Our approach to protecting the privacy of children.
  • Privacy rights: Your entitlements and rights regarding your personal information.
  • Exercising your privacy rights: Guidance on how you can take control of your privacy.
  • Additional U.S. state privacy rights and choices: Specific information for residents of different U.S. states.
  • Additional information for residents of the EU, EEA, or UK: Specific details for residents in these regions.
  • Changes to this notice: How we communicate changes to this Privacy Notice.
  • Contact us: Information on how to get in touch with us.

Personal information collection and usage

Personal Information You Provide Directly

When you reach out to us directly, such as through email correspondence or by completing a form on our website, we gather specific categories of personal information. This may encompass:

  • Contact Information: Any personal or contact details you include in your message to us, including but not limited to your name, email address, phone number, and the actual content of your message when using our contact form or sending an email. We solely utilize this information to address your inquiry effectively.
  • Opt-Out Requests or Corrections: If you choose to exercise your rights to opt out of sharing your personal information, or if you request deletion or correction of your data, we receive relevant personal information from you. This information is exclusively used to fulfill your specific request.
Automatically Collected Information

When you visit our website, we automatically collect some information about your visit to help us improve your experience and understand how people use our site. This information falls into three main categories:

  1. Device and Connection Information:
    • IP Address: We receive your IP address, which is a unique identifier assigned to your device when you connect to the internet. We use this to deliver content and advertising to your device and estimate your general location. We don't store your entire public IP address to better protect your privacy.
    • Browser and Device Information: We collect information about the type of browser and device you're using (like Chrome on a laptop), as well as your language preferences. This helps us optimize the website for your specific setup and ensure you see the best experience.
  2. User Activity Information:
    • Site Interactions: We track your activity on our website, such as the pages you visit, links you click, and searches you perform. This helps us understand how people use our site and identify areas for improvement.
    • Engagement with Content: We track how you interact with content on our site, like watching videos, downloading documents, or commenting on posts. This helps us understand what content is most engaging and tailor it to your needs.
  3. Cookies and Trackers:
    • Cookies: We use small files called cookies to store information about your preferences and remember your activity on our site. This helps us personalize your experience and make navigation easier. You can control your cookie settings in your browser at any time.
    • Tracking Pixels and Identifiers: We may use pixels or other tracking technologies from third-party services integrated into our site. These help us understand how you interact with those services and improve their integration with our platform. Please note that we don't use this information to create a profile of you or your online behavior outside our website.

Remember, we:

  • Prioritize privacy: We only collect information necessary for website operation and improvement.
  • Don't create personal profiles: We use this information for overall user behavior analysis, not individual tracking.
  • Offer control: You can manage cookies and adjust your privacy settings in your browser.
Collection of Personal Information from External Sources
  • At times, information is transmitted to us from the webpage you were previously browsing before landing on ours. This data may include details about the referring website, such as its web address or URL, along with insights into your search or other past online activities. This assists us in comprehending the factors influencing users to visit our site.
  • Social media platforms or other services might provide their own user identifiers. Although these identifiers don't directly identify you, the originating site could utilize them to connect your activities on our site with the information they hold about you.
  • Additionally, advertisers may share information regarding the broad categories of users they anticipate engaging with their ads.
  • It's important to note that we refrain from collecting or processing sensitive or special categories of personal information, such as details about your health, race, religion, or political affiliation. Our website is designed for a general audience, and we try to avoid collecting information from children.
  • Furthermore, we enlist the assistance of third-party service providers to ascertain the general geographic location of your site visit based on your IP address. We prioritize your privacy and adhere to strict guidelines to ensure responsible handling of your information.
Sharing your personal information

You have the right to know when and with whom we share your information. Here's a breakdown of the different scenarios:

Enhancing your experience:

  • Service providers: We collaborate with trusted partners who assist us in delivering content, advertisements, and website functionality. They only access the information necessary to fulfill their tasks and are bound by strict data privacy agreements with us.

Improving advertisement relevance:

  • Advertisers and partners: We provide aggregated user interaction data (not individual details) to our advertising partners so they can optimize their ad selection and delivery. This ensures you see relevant and engaging advertisements on our platform. We even mask your IP address to further protect your privacy.

Complying with legal requirements:

  • Authorities: If legally obligated, we might share personal information with government regulators, law enforcement, or other authorities. Your safety and legal interests are our top priority in such situations.

Protecting our users and platform:

  • Emergent situations: In rare cases, we might share personal information with authorities or others if necessary to protect the safety, rights, or well-being of our users or the public. This could involve preventing fraud or potential harm.

Defending our legal rights:

  • Legal disputes: Sometimes, we might need to share personal information to defend ourselves in legal matters or assist others in doing so. This would strictly occur within the confines of legitimate legal proceedings.


  • We only share information reasonably necessary for the aforementioned purposes.
  • We prioritize data privacy and security in all our partnerships and processes.
  • You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal information. Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.

Global Opt-Out Indicators

We respect specific universal opt-out signals, which encompass mechanisms such as "Global Privacy Controls" that can be configured within certain browsers when we are required by law to do so.

Do Not Track Signals

We do not adhere to "Do Not Track" signals unless they align with the criteria set for universal opt-out signals in the relevant jurisdiction or when there is no legal obligation for us to honor them.

Utilization of Google Analytics

At times, we employ Google Analytics for website analysis. To gain a deeper understanding of Google Analytics and its data usage, please refer to ("How Google uses data when you use our partners' sites or apps"). Users seeking to prevent the collection and disclosure of their data to Google Analytics have the option to install the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on. To exercise this opt-out choice, visit

Safeguarding Your Personal Information

Our commitment to securing personal information is evident through the implementation of technical and organizational measures tailored to the specific type of personal information and associated processing activities. We adhere to a principle of collecting only the necessary personal information for well-defined purposes. In our endeavor to protect the personal information entrusted to us, we employ various information security measures, including:

  • Formulating comprehensive security policies and procedures.
  • Restricting the collection of personal information to essential and relevant details.
  • Utilizing SSL or other secure connection technologies for the transmission of personal information beyond internal networks.
  • Deleting personal information when it is no longer necessary or as per our standard data retention schedule.
  • Conducting regular information security risk assessments.
  • Mitigating risks through the implementation of a comprehensive risk reduction plan.
  • Providing routine information security awareness training to our employees.
  • Limiting access to personal information to individuals whose job responsibilities necessitate such access.
  • Employing and monitoring intrusion prevention and detection systems.
  • Technologically isolating systems containing personal information from public networks, such as the internet.
  • Maintaining up-to-date software and robust safeguards to ensure the continued security of your information.
Data Retention Duration

The retention of your personal information is limited to the necessary duration. Specifically:

  • Class C IP addresses, devoid of individual user or device identification, are retained for a maximum of 5 years.
  • Browser and device information is kept on record for up to 5 years.
  • Cookies and their associated information are maintained for a period of up to 3 months.
  • Aggregated information, which can no longer be linked to an individual or device, may be retained for an extended duration.

Cookies and Trackers

Our website, like many others, uses tiny data files called cookies and similar trackers from trusted partners. These help us personalize your experience and understand how you use our platform. Let's break it down:

What are cookies and trackers?

  • Imagine them as small notes your browser remembers. They store information about your online activity, preferences, and choices on our site.
  • Think of them as helping your favorite pages load smoothly and remembering your preferences (language, etc.).

Can I manage them?

  • Absolutely! Most browsers allow you to adjust cookie settings. You can choose to accept all, block some, or completely disable them.
  • Keep in mind: disabling cookies might impact certain functionalities or preferences you've set.

Is my privacy protected?

  • We prioritize your privacy and only work with trusted partners who adhere to strict data security policies.
  • We don't use cookies to track your activity beyond our website.

How can I learn more?

  • Visit, about, or for detailed information about cookies and managing them.
  • Check out our dedicated cookie policy for a specific breakdown of the cookies used on our site.

Children’s privacy

  • At our company, protecting children's privacy is a top priority. We do not knowingly collect, use, or disclose any personal information from users under the age of 13 (or 16, if required by law). This aligns with our values and with regulations like the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) in the United States.
  • If you believe we may have inadvertently collected information from a child under the appropriate age, please don't hesitate to contact us using the information provided in this notice. We take such concerns seriously and will take immediate action to delete the information and ensure it's not used or disclosed further.

Privacy rights

You possess the entitlement to access, rectify, and erase your personal information. If you have inquiries about your rights or wish to enact any of them, please contact us via email at

Right to Information

You retain the right to seek specific disclosures regarding our handling of your personal information.

You can request the disclosure of the following details:

  • The categories of personal information we have gathered about you.
  • The categories of sources from which the personal information is obtained.
  • The business or commercial purpose behind the collection, sale, or sharing of personal information.
  • The categories of third parties to whom we have divulged personal information.
  • In certain instances, the specific pieces of personal information we have gathered about you (subject to certain limitations).
Non-Retaliation and Equality

We ensure that no discrimination is carried out against a consumer based on their utilization of any privacy rights, such as the right to access, deletion, or opt-out from the sale or sharing of personal information. This commitment encompasses:

  • Not denying goods or services to you.
  • Avoiding the imposition of different prices or rates for goods or services.
  • Maintaining an equal level and quality of goods or services for all.
  • Refraining from implying that you will receive disparate prices, rates, or levels of goods or services based on your privacy choices.
Additional U.S. state privacy rights and choices

California Consumer Rights

As a California consumer, you hold the following rights:

  • The right to be informed about the information we have collected about you.
  • The right to request the deletion of your personal information.
  • The right to correct any inaccuracies in your personal information.
  • The right to opt-out of the sale or sharing of your personal information, including sending a Global Privacy Control (GPC) signal from your browser.

Exercising these rights will not subject you to any form of discrimination. To assert these rights, kindly reach out to us via email at If you possess a business account with us, we may utilize the information within that account for authentication purposes.

Certain requests (such as those related to information access or correction) may prompt us to email you to verify your identity. If, for a deletion request, we cannot verify your identity, we will interpret it as a request to opt-out of the sale and sharing of information. While an authorized agent may make requests on your behalf, we will require proof of your authorization for that agent to act on your behalf.

Rights for Virginia, Connecticut, and Colorado Consumers

If you are a consumer in Virginia, Connecticut, Utah, or Colorado, you possess the following rights:
  • Confirm whether or not we are processing your personal information and access your personal data.
  • Correct inaccuracies in your personal data and the intended purposes for processing it.
  • Request the deletion of your personal information.
  • Obtain a copy of personal data you have previously provided to us.
  • Opt out of targeted advertising.
  • Opt out of the sale of your personal information.
  • Opt out of profiling that could impact significant decisions about you.
  • If and when global privacy controls or other universal opt-out mechanisms are approved and honoring them is required in your state, you will also have the right to opt-out of sale, targeting, or profiling, or all of these, using these browser-based controls.

For certain requests, we may reach out via email to confirm your identity. To exercise these rights, kindly contact us through email at or visit here .

Exercising these rights will not result in any form of discrimination against you.

Agent Authorization

If you desire to have an authorized representative submit a request for disclosures, deletion, or correction on your behalf, the representative can accomplish this by sending an email to Upon receiving a request from an agent, we will request written and signed permission from you, the consumer, verifying that the agent is authorized to act on your behalf. Upon receipt of the written authorization, we will commence the processing of the request. Subsequent updates regarding the fulfillment of the request will be communicated directly to the email address furnished by the authorized representative.

Additional information for the residents of the European Union, European Economic Area, the United Kingdom

Contact Information

According to EU/UK data protection regulations, EdgeROI Inc. serves as the controller for this website.

If you have any questions or concerns about our data protection practices, please feel free to reach out to us at Additionally, you have the option to contact your local data protection authority.

For matters specific to the European Union and the United Kingdom, you can contact our representatives at:

EU-GDPR Representative:

Rickert Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

- EdgeROI -
Colmantstraße 15
53115 Bonn

Why do we collect your Personal Data?

Variation for Data Processing Legal Bases in the European Union

Within the European Union, we employ three distinct legal foundations for processing data: your consent, our legitimate interest, and contractual obligations. Our processing of your personal data aligns with specific purposes, each tethered to a lawful basis:

  1. Consent:
    Purpose: Store and/or access information on a device.
    Lawful Basis: Your consent is sought to place or acquire information from cookies, identifiers, or trackers on your device.
  2. Legitimate Interest:
    Purpose: Utilize limited data for advertising selection.
    Lawful Basis: When utilizing legitimate interest as the legal foundation for processing personal information, we carefully evaluate whether the potential risks to data subjects outweigh the benefits derived from our data processing. Legitimate interest is the basis for purposes such as selecting advertising based on limited data. In these instances, we have determined that the risk to you is minimal, and the benefit of receiving free, ad-supported content with relevant advertising outweighs any associated risks. This encompasses using personal information to manage ad frequency, measure ad performance, and enhance your overall advertising experience.
  3. Legitimate Interest:
    Purpose: Develop and improve services.
    Lawful Basis: We leverage a minimal amount of personal information to uphold and enhance our services. Our reliance on legitimate interest extends to ensuring the security and functionality of the website, grounded in the belief that the benefits of processing this limited personal information outweigh any potential risks.
  4. Contractual Requirements:
    Purpose: Provide products or services upon your purchase through our site.
    Lawful Basis: Contractual obligations come into play when you make a purchase through our site, and personal information is utilized solely to fulfill your requested product or service. It's important to note that we do not process your personal information after you leave our site and navigate to an advertiser's site.
Your Privacy Rights

For details on how to exercise your privacy rights, please consult the "How can you exercise my privacy rights section?" of this Notice or reach out to our Privacy Office at If you are in the European Union, the European Economic Area, or the UK, you may also contact your data protection authority.

Revocation of Consent

You retain the right to withdraw consent at any time for the processing of personal data where we rely on your consent.

International Transfer of Personal Data:

  • Our website and technology infrastructure are primarily maintained in the United States.
  • If you access our site from regions with laws differing from those in the United States regarding data collection and use, be aware that your information may be processed globally, including in the United States.
  • By using this site, you acknowledge and agree to provide your personal information to countries that may not offer the same level of data protection as your home country.
  • For users in the EU, EEA, and UK, when we transfer your Personal Data outside these regions, we ensure the use of appropriate safeguards to protect your personal data.
  • We use valid legal mechanisms, primarily Standard Contractual Clauses, when personal data is transferred out of the EEA or UK by us, our processors, or other controllers. Supplemental security measures are implemented to ensure the protection of personal information during international transfers.
Notice of Changes

This notice may undergo periodic updates to align with alterations in the law or our practices. Rest assured, we will not modify the usage of personal information already collected under this policy without providing prior notification and obtaining your consent.

Contact Information

For any comments, questions related to this notice, or further insights into our personal information processing practices and your rights concerning your personal information, please reach out to us at:

Write to us