Know the best time to drink coffee

Know the best time to drink coffee

Coffee is undoubtedly one of the most popular beverages worldwide. Most people find it impossible to start their day without a cup of coffee. Although high caffeine levels in coffee provide a quick energy boost, it is important to consume it at the right time of day. If not, it is likely to end up disrupting one’s body cycle. But what’s an ideal time to sip on this delectable beverage? Read on to know.

A couple of hours after waking up
The cortisol levels in the human body peak 30-45 minutes after waking up and gradually fall as the day progresses. Cortisol is a stress hormone that controls one’s metabolism, immune system, and blood pressure. It keeps one alert and focused. When cortisol levels are already high, drinking coffee may peak them further. Long-term cortisol elevations can compromise one’s immune system. So, don’t reach for your cuppa Joe immediately after getting out of bed. It is advisable to have coffee 2 to 2.5 hours after you wake up.

Before 3 PM
Research shows that the stimulating effect of caffeine can stay up to 6 hours after consumption. By evening, as the sun goes down, your body’s energy levels and metabolism slow down. So, drinking coffee too close to bedtime can adversely affect your sleep cycle. It’s best to avoid it altogether after 3 PM if you aim to go to bed by 9 to 10 PM.

An hour before exercise
Studies suggest that drinking coffee about an hour before a workout allows the caffeine to get absorbed into one’s bloodstream and reach its peak effectiveness. According to the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN), caffeine is an efficient ergogenic aid. It is effective when taken in small quantities.

A companion during long nights and travels
Coffee helps you stay alert, so it can be a good companion if you’re working long hours or traveling on an early morning or late-night flight. But, it is advisable to avoid too much caffeine.

All in all, mid-morning and early afternoon are the best times to have a cup of coffee without letting the caffeine interrupt your body cycle. But if timings are an issue, you can even opt for coffee alternatives like decaf coffee or green tea. Decaf coffee has about 97% of the caffeine removed from coffee beans. It has a milder taste and fragrance, but it makes for a healthier option.