4 ways food impacts one’s mental health

4 ways food impacts one’s mental health

Studies show that a person’s emotional and mental health are closely related to what they consume. A change in eating habits and lifestyle is frequently the first line of treatment for patients suffering from depression or other mental health conditions. Every individual’s nutritional needs are distinct. But barring allergies, everyone can rely on food to improve their cognitive functions and emotional state. Here are some ways that show how food impacts one’s mental health. Brain chemicals and the gut Science has termed the gastrointestinal tract the body’s “second brain.” Trillions of bacteria in one’s gastrointestinal tract help the brain produce dopamine and serotonin. These chemicals are mood stabilizers responsible for regulating one’s feelings of calmness, happiness, motivation, and rewards. It is believed that gut bacteria produce 95 percent of the body’s supply of serotonin. Nutrition-rich food promotes the growth of good bacteria that support the production of these chemicals. Insulin resistance On the contrary, processed and sugary foods are toxic to brain functioning. The high sugar content in foods strains the pancreas and results in insulin resistance. This, in turn, increases cortisol and glucagon levels. These neurotransmitters make one feel more anxious, fatigued, hungry and irritated. Nutrient deficiency and mood The nervous system and brain depend heavily on nutrition to produce new proteins and repair cells and tissues.
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Foods that can cause digestive troubles

Foods that can cause digestive troubles

People should get tested for food allergies to eliminate foods that could leave them with compromised digestive systems. Those who have recently suffered an infection or have been recommended powerful treatment can also experience changes in their gut microbiota. It is yet another case where digestive problems can arise. Some common signs of poor digestive function include difficulty swallowing, painful swallowing, or chest pain while eating. Individuals with digestive trouble must avoid trigger foods. Processed foods Fiber helps regulate the digestive system. Processed foods are not only low in fiber but also high in salts, preservatives, and food coloring. It makes things difficult for people with sensitive stomachs. Fiber deficiency leads to increased constipation, while the additives cause issues like gas, bloating, indigestion, and acid reflux. Artificial sweeteners Foods and beverages prepared with artificial sweeteners cause a change in the body’s natural gut bacteria. This can lead to gastrointestinal tract problems. Sugar-free drinks, candies, and gums are the best examples. They are loaded with refined sugar alternatives like xylitol, maltitol, and sorbitol, which cause gas, bloating, and other digestive and laxative effects. They can also cause the body to produce more acid than it needs, leading to stomach ulcers. Spicy foods Although spices are believed to help with digestion, they can trigger digestive problems in people with sensitive stomachs.
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