7 foods that can worsen schizophrenia symptoms

7 foods that can worsen schizophrenia symptoms

Schizophrenia is a complex mental health disorder wherein people tend to interpret their reality abnormally. It might result in an amalgam of symptoms, such as delusions, hallucinations, and disordered behavior and thinking. Those with schizophrenia need lifelong treatment, and if detected early, can help them control its symptoms before any severe complications develop. There are also some foods to avoid to keep schizophrenia in check. Below we will enlist them one by one.

There has been a growing popularity of gluten-free foods today. But, some people experience celiac disease which is the intolerance to components prevalently found in wheat-containing foods. If you continue to subject yourself to a meal pattern your body cannot tolerate, it could possibly result in severe health issues like ADHD, depression, schizophrenia , autism, and anxiety. Avoiding gluten is not easy. Hence, before removing it from your meal plan, you must consider undergoing a celiac disease test.

Refined sugar
Typically, people with schizophrenia are poor eaters, and there is a high probability of them getting diabetes too. Hence, we recommend eating a meal with a low glycemic load. The Glycemic index is the measure of sugar in the blood. When you eat foods with a low glycemic index, it helps bring relief to the schizophrenia symptoms. You can start by eliminating refined sugars from foods, such as cake, candy, and sweetened beverages.

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
MSG is an FDA-approved flavor enhancer. It is an excitotoxin that often harms the brain. It is mandatory to list it as an ingredient on the food labels. Unfortunately, it usually goes undetected if listed as autolyzed protein, textured protein, hydrolyzed protein, or autolyzed yeast extract.
Excitotoxins are amino acids that overstimulate the neuron receptors. Excessive excitotoxin exposure causes the neurons to fire more rapidly than usual. If this process continues for a long time, it may weaken or exhaust the neurons, causing neuronal death. In addition, their side effects do not end there. MSG can alter brain activity and is often associated with panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, confusion, depression, and distractibility.

If you are considering swapping the wheat with the other gluten-free grains, please consult your dietitian first. A ketogenic meal comprising high-fat, moderate-protein, and low-carb foods tend to help ease schizophrenia symptoms. However, people indulging in a low-carb meal usually experience carb flu in this transition. Consequently, things worsen before improving. So, be cautious.

Fast food or fried foods
We experience a strange degree of comfort from indulging in fried or fast food. But, given its negative implications, it is not worth it, particularly amongst people undergoing emotional turmoil. Excessive trans-fat blocks the arteries and is also bad for the heart and the mind.

Processed foods
Our body requires more Omega-3 fats and less Omega-6 fats than what you are already eating. There has to be a certain ratio in your consumption of these fats. But, in our modern lives, we eat higher Omega 6s and lower Omega 3s. It might cause an imbalance in the body, resulting in mental health issues, such as psychosis, schizophrenia, and depression. Merely adding an Omega 3 supplement to your meals will not suffice. To get your ratio in order, you must avoid the primary Omega 6 violators, like vegetable oils in processed foods, such as soybean and corn oil.

Foods with artificial sweeteners
Many health science experts relate artificial sweeteners to mental health disorders. Artificial sweeteners do not have any redeeming nutritional value. Furthermore, it is addictive. Thus it is recommended to keep your sweet tooth in check and enjoy more naturally sweet and healthy foods like whole fruits. But, these, too, should be consumed in moderation.