4 foods to eat and avoid with leukemia

4 foods to eat and avoid with leukemia

Leukemia is cancer that involves blood-forming cells, along with bone marrow as well as the lymphatic system. It is the fifth most common type of cancer diagnosed in the United States of America. It primarily impacts the White Blood Cells in the body that are responsible for the body’s ability to fight microbial and parasitic infection. Here are some effective treatment options, lifestyle changes, and foods choices that help combat this health condition



BLINCYTO® is used in the treatment of some types of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). It belongs to the class of monoclonal antibodies treatment options and helps the immune system fight cancer cells.


TASIGNA® contains nitolinib a compound that is used in the treatment of certain types of chronic myelogenous leukemia. It works by slowing down the progression or stopping the growth of cancerous cells.

Foods to eat and avoid

Patients undergoing leukemia treatment have a compromised immune system that makes them more susceptible to food-borne illnesses. It is therefore prudent for them to be more mindful of the food they consume

Whole grain

Whole grains are a healthy addition that helps balance meals. They are rich in minerals, vitamins, and fiber. Including whole grains like rice, buckwheat, oats, and quinoa are highly recommended.

Fruits and vegetables

Vegetables and fruits can be included in regular meals for leukemia patients either in the form of salads, smoothies, or even desserts. They provide the body with essential nutrients and help it fight off the side effects of the condition and the treatment.

Unpasteurized dairy products

Leukemia patients are advised to consume dairy and dairy products only after they have been properly pasteurized. It can lead to stomach infection or food poisoning

Raw meat

Like dairy and dairy products, meat carries parasites that can prove dangerous to leukemia patients. These parasites can either cause food poisoning or lead to other diseases and illnesses if the meat is not cooked properly.

Lifestyle changes

Active routine

Maintaining an active routine does not mean running 10 kilometers each day. Patients can adjust their daily exercise routine according to the energy they have that day. It is okay to switch from walking one day to high-intensity activity the other.

Proper sleep

The right amount and quality of sleep go a long way in strengthening the body. It also helps fight side effects and weakness that arise from chronic or acute illnesses as well as from treatments.

Stress management

Stress management is an important concept to fight any illness. Patients can pick a hobby of their liking and participate in it regularly to help decrease their stress levels. This could include meditation, breathing exercises, art, reading, or even watching the television.











